A Language for the Soul:
An Experiential Dictionary of the Christian Spiritual Life
This volume presents a comprehensive language for the soul, drawn from Christianity's ancient spiritual tradition, specifically designed for today's Christian spiritual instructors. The text offers a detailed exploration of the deep interior soul movements experienced by believers in response to God's invitation. It provides an accessible vocabulary for use in a variety of professional settings, including ministry, education, and everyday life.
[In] A Language for the Soul we have a spiritual textbook that answers the need of our times. The author brings a broad and deep reading of the cultural, theological, psychological and spiritual sources. He has produced a book that is clearly conceptualised, appropriately ecumenical, and readily understood. I recommend it highly.
Professor of Christian Spirituality and Theology, Asbury Theological Seminary.
Stuart is passionate about the spiritual quest in the post-secular world, where language about spiritual experience is often lacking. Based on his pastoral and teaching experience, he offers a select dictionary of sixty terms relevant to the spiritual journey. Aimed at both pastors and practitioners, Christian believers and committed spiritual seekers, this work offers concepts that help both pastors and practitioners name, understand and make meaning of their experience of the transcendent.
Research Fellow, University of the Free State, South Africa.
Author of Growing in Love with Kathryn of Siena.
The purpose of this text is to provide Christian spiritual instructors with an accessible language for God at work in the human soul. The author argues that this language can be used to describe and understand the deep inner responses and movements that believers experience in response to the Spirit’s invitation. This theoretical yet practical, experience-based vocabulary enables instructors to guide people on their spiritual journeys.